Author Archives: omatnat@gmail.com
“gracious and grateful” Bnk Playlist.
- sonalis mala bnk 5:34
- symbiosis* 6:51
- adrift in the sea of the creation bnk 7:29
- a satisfied cloud Bnk 5:48
- the mourning dove awakens Bnk 8:27
- the courageous entity Bnk 11:45
- awake in the dream Bnk 6:13
- loving the night Bnk 5:32
- eclipse. trial bnk 7:34
- gracious and grateful Bnk 4:56
guitar, voice, copyright 2023. Orlando Morales.

“gracious and grateful” Bnk
“awake in the dream” Bnk
“never ending sea of life” Bnk
“Guru Puja” 3
“adrift in the sea of creation” Bnk
“the loving inner guide” Bnk Playlist
guitar, voice, copyright 2023…. Orlando Morales
- the loving inner guide bnk orlando morales 4:27
- a gentle rain of devotion bnk orlando morales 5:27
- sentience Bnk 6:05
- mind mind bnk orlando morales 6:13
- A moment of contentment Bnk 2 8:54
- respite uneder an autumn sky bnk 7:09
- the searcher Bnk 5:38
- beloved surrender Bnk 4:36

“sonalis mala” Bnk
“celebrating spring” Bnk
“the mourning dove. awakens” Bnk
“earlobe happiness” Bnk
“adrift in the sea of creation” Bnk Playlist
“Shivas Trisula”Bnk
“the courageous entity” Bnk
“the preparation” Bnk
“loving the night” Bnk
“adrift in the sea of the creation” Bnk
“A bhaktis life” Bnk
“Indigo sunset on a distant planet” Bnk playlist
guitar, voice copyright 2023 Orlando Morales
- the inner secret Bnk 4:38
- indigo sunset on a distant planet Bnk 6:22
- sadhana in the moonlight Bnk 3:59
- the native returns Bnk 5:31
- lavender sunrise on a distant planet Bnk 6:05
- he whispers of the moon Bnk 5:03
- love and hope Bnk 3:54
- sweet winds Bnk 3:10

“Indigo sunset on a distant planet” Bnk playlist
guitar, voice, copyright 2023 Orlando Morales

- the inner secret Bnk 4:38
- indigo sunset on a distant planet Bnk 6:22
- sadhana in the moonlight Bnk 3:59
- the native returns Bnk 5:31
- lavender sunrise on a distant planet Bnk 6:05
- he whispers of the moon Bnk 5:03
- love and hope Bnk 3:54
- sweet winds Bnk 3:10
“he whispers of the moon” Bnk
“sweet winds” Bnk
“love and hope” Bnk
“indigo sunset on a distant planet” Bnk
“indigo sunset on a distant planet”Bnk
“sadhana in the moonlight” Bnk
“the inner secret” Bnk
“resolve of the kind hearted” Bnk Playlist
guitar, voice, copyright 2022 Orlando Morales
- sun rays through the rain Bnk 6:43
- The honest life of a plant Bnk 5:44
- never ending enchantment bnk 7:53
- the love of the silent gardener Bnk 5:21
- sunset by the lake Bnk 4:49
- heart of all hearts bnk 7:43
- mudra at dawn Bnk 6:41
- knee hand, knee, hand, heart Bnk 7:37
- resolve of the kind heart Bnk AKA Sincerity 5:22
- solari,solace Bnk 12:37